Contributing to the GreenSpirit Magazine

Apart from our regular columns, most of the GreenSpirit magazine contents are commissioned and we do not accept unsolicited submissions. If we have asked you to write for us and you are happy to do that, please adhere strictly to the word count and deadline stipulated by the editor. And please be sure to read these guidelines carefully before submitting material.

Since GreenSpirit is a charity and the magazine carries no advertising, we cannot offer fees but we do provide contributors with a free copy of the printed issue in which their work appears (or an extra copy in the case of GreenSpirit members). We also email you a pdf of your piece as it appears in the magazine, and you are welcome to use this for your own publicity purposes.

Important notice re submissions
By submitting material to GreenSpirit for publication in one of our formats, (e.g. magazine, ebook, printed anthology, website, podcast…) the author is automatically granting us permission to re-use it and/or to publish it in one or more of the other formats as well (or instead). (This is just to save us having to ask for permission again in the future if we want to re-use something we’ve already published, e.g. to include a previous article in an anthology.) Copyright always remains with the author, who is completely at liberty to publish it elsewhere.

Standards for the preparation of texts and illustrations
Please prepare your text in Word (or Word compatible format) and send it to the editor by email. Illustrations should be high quality jpgs along with captions and copyright accreditation.

Submissions will be edited in order to correct any grammatical errors and to comply with the house style. If any major changes are made, a copy of the edited version will be sent to you for approval before it is published.