GreenSpirit Reading 2025

Green spirituality rekindles our deepest connection with the Earth and seeks inspiration to live sustainably with compassion for all that is.  We follow the solstices, equinoxes and fire festivals Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lammas – the Wheel of the Year. Our group meets mostly at week-ends in our homes or on walks. We share vegetarian food, music and poetry, meditation and ritual to reconnect with the cycles and seasons of the Earth. In spring we head off for a snowdrop walk, in summer we are often guided on a Healing Herbs walk and come autumn we participate in Reading International Festival.

CONTACT Debbie:  0118 9352169

Future generations, if there is a liveable world for them, will look back on this epochal transition we are making to a life-affirming society. And they may well call this the time of THE GREAT TURNING. It is happening now.

Joanna Macy

The Eight-fold based upon the deep and mysterious connection between the source of our individual lives and the source of the life of the planet…Together..the..festivals represent our complete inter-connectedness with the earth, the moon and the sun, and the animal and plant realms.

Philip Car-Gomm


Brendan’s New Year Walk 4th January

We will depart from Reading station at 10.24 for Goring and Streatley, arriving at 10.36. Our walk is a BBOWT route around Goring, passing Hartslock Nature Reserve. Bring a picnic and we plan to stop for a drink in Streatley after the walk. In case of wet weather we will postpone the walk until 18th January.

Imbolc Awakening 2nd February 

Earth stirs as the power of the sun returns to the northern hemisphere. Candles are lit to celebrate inspiration and truth.

Meeting at Caversham Herbs, 31 Prospect Street, Caversham RG4 8GB – please bring seasonal contributions and veggie/vegan food to share.

Braziers Park Snowdrop Walk 8th February

We will catch the X39 bus (Thames Travel Reading to Oxford) at 10.15 from Reading. Weather permitting,we will walk around the estate before arriving  at Braziers Park for a picnic, refreshments and home-made cake. We anticipate returning by the 15.10 bus.


Spring Equinox 22nd March, 3-6pm

Spring brings rainbows and fledglings are hatching out. Day and night equalise all over the planet balancing darkness with light.

Meeting at Debbie’s – please bring seasonal contributions and veggie/vegan food to share


Beltane Greening 5th May

Beltane is for magic, mystery and growing things. We celebrate zest for life as nature is rampant in a rush of blossom and greenery.

We plan a walk around Braziers Park (weather permitting) where we will attend the May Fayre

(drivers need to book and pay parking fee)


Summer Solstice 21st June

Ancient stone circles aligned to the solstice sunrise celebrate the turning of the cosmic wheel. Nature is in all her floral finery.

We are planning a walk and picnic weather permitting


Lammas Harvest 2nd August, 3-6pm

We celebrate the season of harvest and the coming of autumn. First fruits ripen, first nuts are falling, first bread is baked.

Meeting at Michael’s garden – please bring veggie/vegan food to share or bake something to celebrate the grain hervest!

contact Debbie or


Autumn Equinox 2oth September 3-6pm

As the sun enters Libra day and night are once more in balance all over the planet. We give thanks for the year’s abundance.

Meeting at Lindsey’s – please bring seasonal contributions and veggie/vegan food to share


Samhain Stillness

Leaves are falling, birds are migrating, animals are going into hibernation, frosts are coming. We affirm rebirth amidst death, decay and darkness.

Join us at Hester’s Halloween Trail 25th October

 Caversham Court Gardens

Contact Debbie or


Winter Solstice 20th December,3-6pm

The Earth has withdrawn deep within herself for the festival of the longest night. The wheel of the year ends and begins.

An afternoon at Michael’s for nibbles, music, readings and ritual to see out the year.